Publications Pleromatica, or Elsinore’s Trance Gabriel Catren “The ark drifts through a pleromatic and impersonal stream of manifestation”
Documents Reengineering Philosophy Reza Negarestani “Turning the intelligible into a concrete labour”
Publications From Decision to Heresy François Laruelle Robin Mackay (ed) “The question ‘What is non-philosophy?’ must be replaced by the question about what it can and cannot do. ”
Chapters 5. This I, or We or It, the Thing, Which Speaks (Objectivity and Thought) Intelligence and Spirit
Chapters 4. Some Unsettling Kantian News as Delivered by Boltzmann (An Excursion Into Time) Intelligence and Spirit
Chapters 3. This I, or We or It, the Thing, Which Speaks (Forms of Intuition) Intelligence and Spirit
Chapters 2. An Outside View of Ourselves as Experimental AGI (Problems, Concepts, and Models) Intelligence and Spirit