Publications America—An Integral Weave Fernando Zalamea “Enter into the ‘electromagnetic field’ between Latin America and North America ”
Publications Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Éric Alliez Jean-Claude Bonne “experimenting with all possible cuts, in a constructivism of the signifier performed ‘anartistically’ ”
Publications Becoming-Matisse: Between Painting and Architecture Éric Alliez Jean-Claude Bonne “expression=construction=decoration”
Documents Becoming Video (The Prehension of Painting) Ina Blom “Video becomes by memorizing itself as a medium of memory”
Documents The Real Thing: The Real and the Sublime Kristen Alvanson “Depiction begins to give way to a distribution of forces that retains or repeats something of the traumatic experience”