
On Logic and the Theory of Science

Jean Cavaillès

“Not a philosophy of consciousness but a philosophy of the concept”


Secrets of Creation

Robin Mackay  (ed)

“How can artists and artworks stage a ‘dramatisation’ of abstract concepts ?”


Enchantment of the Virtual

Gilles Châtelet

Charles Alunni  (ed)

Catherine Paoletti  (ed)

“The last romantic philosopher”


“Ideas are not the immobile and irreducible essences of an intelligible world. Their dialectic is historical.”


Mathematical Thought

Jean Cavaillès

“The mathematical object is always correlated with gestures effectively carried out by the mathematician in a given situation.”


Torture Concrete

Reza Negarestani

“Moulène reactivates abstraction as a vector of disjunction and unity of art, philosophy and science”


When Site Lost the Plot

Robin Mackay  (ed)

“Site-specificity now runs the risk of being assimilated into a capitalist logic adept at transforming specificity into reproducible symbol and immaterial value”


Synthetic Philosophy of Contemporary Mathematics

Fernando Zalamea

“To observe mathematical movements on their own terms, to try to reflect as faithfully as possible those complex, and often elusive, movements”


Collapse Volume I

Robin Mackay  (ed)

Ray Brassier

Michael Carr

“Only when Western Culture re-evaluates its relationship with number can there be any real change in the way we relate to the world”