Schizo Season Revisited
15 Feb 2022

For the benefit of those few readers who may have had something better to do over the festive season than fray their minds further with a series of texts drawn from the wildest corners of the Urbanomic hyperverse, allow us to be your guide, and offer you a second chance to experience Schizo Season

In SISU Manifesto and User Guide, the mysterious Korean group (Systematic Irregularity Study Unit) reveal some of their research on sonic phenomena, digital technology, and geotrauma.

In Let Me Get Your Head On The Conjugal Bed Enrico Monacelli delivers a gutpunch of suburban horror.

Acid Hegel in K-Space? It must be a phenoumenodelic excerpt from Inigo Wilkins’s forthcoming magnum opus Irreversible Noise.

Natalie Terezi Watts’s On the Concept of Moe launches the most accelerationist schizo-gender-terrorist attack you’ll ever fall in cute with.

Astral Punk Overview sees Kenji Siratori’s machinic unconscious datableeding right across the 21st century.

Claudio Kulesko brings us the chilly tale Us. (Remember, there are worse things than wolves.)

Yuya Sakurai’s panoramic Synthetic Anthem cuts up the present and feeds it to the future.

Never got into real-estate body-horror? Here’s your chance, with Maggie Siebert’s Cold Butter.

Mickey Mouse: Deity, Devil, or both? Find out in an piece of applied pansemiotic research by Daniel Daligand, The Disney Triskelion and the Image of God