Events and Special Projects

20 Jul 2018–21 Jul 2018

Ballardian Breakfast Briefing/Midnight Séance

Various locations, Cyberspace


SHEPPERTON TIME 2300-0000hrs Friday 20 July
MELBOURNE OBSERVATORY TIME 0800–0900hrs Saturday 21 July

Get up close and impersonal with the author of this summer’s top blockbuster SF confessional time-travelogue Applied Ballardianism, in what will either be the literary event of the decade or a total virtual car-crash.

Appropriately enough for a novel that deals with Information Fatigue Syndrome, Online Delirium, and Parallel Universes, Urbanomic presents a global multi-browser-tab Breakfast Briefing/Midnight Séance to punch one side of the planet awake and induce insomniac psychosis in the other.

Simon Sellars will be In Conversation with Urbanomic director Robin Mackay, followed by open Q&A, on Twitter (@ballardian, @urbanomicdotcom, #appliedballard), Facebook (events page here), YouTube live (streaming here) and Second Life (teleport to ‘Clockhaven Power Station—Generator and Tesla Broadcast Tower’ and look for markerian and urbanomic). Participate and chat with the author on the channel of your choice.

Meanwhile YouTube hosts a live broadcast of an exclusive Applied Ballardianism soundscape compiled by Philip Sanderson and mixed by DJ Huysmans.

Urbanomic on Twitter
Facebook event page
Youtube live stream