Translators’ Interface Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Author
7. Endgame Strategy Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
6. (In Delay of) Rrose Sélavy, or The … Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
5. Factory of Eroticism Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
4. 3 Standard Stoppages, Là-Quand Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
3. The Sex-Ratio of Wordplay Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
2. No Entry: Passage Inter-Dicted Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator
1. Duchamp in the Field (of the Sign) of … Duchamp Looked At (From the Other Side) / Duchamp With (and Against) Lacan Translator