EXCERPT JJ-L: There is a photograph by Julius Shulman (David House, Lake Arrowhead, 1960) that is taken from inside a mid-century modernist Californian house near Los Angeles. The landscape outside is framed by a large set of doors and windows. In the photograph the building is used as a tool for mediating the landscape or, more specifically, as a framing device for rendering nature cinematic, constructed and idealized. Like many of Shulman’s images, the hard modernist lines of the building speak of architectural space as a system for generating what we might call an image space. The landscape has the look of a painted backdrop and, like the interior, it appears as a stage waiting for something to happen. In this photograph there exists a whole series of images. It is as if the David House is the product of a catalogue of fragmented images, pasted together by Shulman to form an uneasy singularity…