
A Good Man

Currently Unavailable


    Having crossed the Santo Antonio Lake in one leap at the short triangular section, the trek continued on through a vast tract of land, which had to be crossed on the same bearing.

    During the night, heavy rain and thunder had flooded the group’s tapiri cabins, washing them away. The storm had descended, accompanied by the bizarre sound made by branches being shaken and splintered by violent gusts. Thuds, shrieks, squawks, bangs, chirping— all these familiar nocturnal noises were replaced by one single roar. The whole forest had exploded into it, its intricate and unstable edifice shaken. The Amazon rainforest is so unique! Even though it is so tall and dense, it does not have the strength to stand upright on its own, and is as brittle as glass. When one of its trees falls, it drags its companions down with it. A gust of wind can blow it to pieces. As it staggers, betraying its frailty, adventitious roots, lianas, and sapomemas support it unsteadily…