The World’s First Bitcoin Artist (2011); Hot Cold (2014); Is Art (2014, 2016/2017); Art Is (2014, 2017); MYSOUL (2014); Dogecode (2014); Facecoin (2014); Monkeycoin (2014); Proof of Existence (2014); Blank Canvas (2016); The Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto: TORCHED H34R7S aka 1Flamen6 (2015); Blockchain Aesthetics (2014–2015, 2019); Critical Coins (2015); Simple Blockchain Art Diagram (after MTAA) (2017); Democratic Palette (2016); Lottery Symbol (2017); DEMODAY (2017); Art Coins (Coloured) (2015/2017); SchellingFlags (2018); Secret Artwork (2018); Local Maxima (2019); Tokens Equal Text (2019); Staking Ratio (2019); Token Grid (2019); Proof of Work Bitmap (2019); Pay Previous Path (2019); Hack Line Properties (2019); Certificate of Inauthenticity (2020); Shared Secret (2020); 1 Doge = 1 Doge (2021);