Post-Europe, 1–4




This work takes up threads from The Question Concerning Technology in China concerning the question of homecoming or, more precisely,
the problem of homelessness [Heimatlosigkeit] as a consequence of modernisation and planetarisation. Seven years after the publication of that book, the world has changed in ways that have rendered it barely recognisable. Three years of pandemic only served to accelerate geopolitical shifts which seem to be speeding the planet into turmoil, whether in the shape of imminent wars or climate collapse. We live more than ever in a state of becoming-homeless, while paradoxically this homelessness also produces a desire to be at home, as is evident in recent conservative and neoreactionary movements. During the summer of 2016, our late lamented young friend Damian Veal, while copyediting The Question Concerning Technology in China, questioned whether my attempt to reconstruct a Chinese thinking of technology was not following exactly the same path as Heidegger, and courting the same ideological fallacy to which he fell prey. As I summarised in the book, partly as a response to Damian’s concerns, there is a difficulty here concerning the dilemma of homecoming.…