Omnicide II, 537–565


Epilogue: Book of the Liar (Philosophy of Deception)


Once again, Omnicide is no sordid utopian-dystopian ideology of the solid world, but rather a light-footed, creative-destructive inkling of the fact that all experience fades, betrays, and ends. To attain this, the omnicidal figure must acquaint themselves with Deception as a philosophical art form of the highest order, circulating between dream, nightmare, mirage, fantasy, hallucination, simulation, vision, memory, enigma, image, story, wish, and apparition (ghost, shadow). They must unravel the particular techniques of distortion, riddle, and encryption that make up the vast arsenal of the liar, just as they deliver acute insight into the performances of stealth, manipulation, seduction, and intelligence behind acts of great deceit. For Deception radically alters our understanding of everything…