EXCERPT The Cold War—as historical event, scientific-military configuration, as interlaced sociological, political, and economic phenomenon—careens between monotonic and non-monotonic logics, as the paradigmatic instantiation of a type of ‘procadence’, a crystalline formation that signals, simultaneously, both Saved! and Doomed! It also ushers in a type of Prometheanism of both the right and the left, in which the pathologies unleashed by the vastness of potential destruction vie with the complexity and compelling prospects of potential production: as exemplar, the White House press release of 6 August 1945, following Truman’s decision to drop the first bomb on Hiroshima, declares: It is an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed…. Beginning with the First and Second World Wars (deemed by some a ‘modern’ 30-Years’ War), the Cold War continued and intensified a series of cascading combined and uneven geotraumatic shocks that engulfed the entire planet, with enduring effects of concussion, disequilibrium, and jarring inquietude…